Computer Scientist, Ph.D.

Researcher on Artificial Intelligence, investigating the role of intelligent and autonomous agents in understanding and serving human beings in a tailored and personalized fashion. My background gives me three essential tools: knowledge of data, semantics as natural extension and lever of the former, and knowledge of machines that learn. We use daily machine learning, but trying to keep a human in the loop to validate and reinforce what the algorithm has learned from the given examples. I'm fascinated by giving to intelligent agents emotions and awareness to better interact with humans. I've co-founded the Knowledge to Data Lab , a group of talented researchers bridging ISMB and EURECOM working on Data Science and Artificial Intelligence.

I'm now Senior Data Scientist in ISMB working in the Innovation Development Research Area. We are forging the future of data-driven innovation doing research on three different axes: data science, data experience and economics. Take a deeper look at our value proposition.

I'm always looking for brilliant padawans. Take a look at the theses available and do not hesitate to dop me an email, will have fun!

PasTime: Packaging Personalised Tourist Experiences
EIT Digital, Digital Cities (2017)
Consortium: 6 partners from 4 EU states

Led the research and development of a sequence recommender of tourist activities. PI of ISMB
#ml #knowledgegraph #deeplearning #recsys

3cixty: An Innovative Platform for Building City Apps
EIT Digital, Digital Cities (2014-2016)
Consortium: 10 partners from 6 EU states

Contributed to the design of the data integration layer. Led the development of the data reconciliation framework. PI of ISMB
#ml #knowledgegraph #deduplication

Past contributor of:











address: via Pier Carlo Boggio, 61 10138 Turin, Italy

phone: +39 011 2276244